What are Aluminum Extrusions?
Have you ever watched spaghetti come out of a pasta maker or pushed Play-Doh through a press to create shapes? Well, that’s the basic principle behind aluminum extrusions. The same principles apply to extrusions from aluminum billets, but considerably more detailed and sophisticated technologies are involved.
Extrusion is defined as the process of shaping material, such as aluminum, by forcing it to flow through a shaped opening in a die. Extruded material emerges as an elongated piece with the same profile as the die opening. The extrusion process is considered to be the most effective way to fabricate parts that need to have a uniform, cross-sectional area, and it makes the most of aluminum’s unique combination of physical characteristics. The process has also been known to increase the strength of the material.
At Leed Himmel, our 2500 ton, fully-automated press allows for quick response and superior efficiency. The 8-inch circle size and 40-foot tempering capacity will satisfy your most demanding shape requirements.